
Tuesday 24 April, 2007


1.I take the opportunity to call on the friends and relatives of all the patients of mesothelioma to take care of them in their last days and give them all the love and affection of theirs as they need it.

2.Do not shun them as they are suffering for no fault of theirs and life is priceless.

3.Give them your love and affection and they do not need anything other than this as it gives them the solace and comfort and motivation to fight the disease and ofcourse the claim case.

Sunday 22 April, 2007



1.A campaign is being launched to seek greater compensation for the families of people who developed lung cancer after inhaling asbestos. Some industrial workers contracted mesothelioma - a cancer of the lining of the lungs - which is always fatal.

2.In England, the levels of compensation are much lower than in Scotland and only husbands and wives are entitled to claim, not other family members. Solicitor Ian McFall said "negligent" companies should pay more.

3."The relationship between asbestos exposure and fatal lung disease has been known for many decades," he said.

4.The campaigners say that about 2,000 people will die from mesothelioma this year. And, they say, an estimated 90,000 men and women will die from asbestos-related disease between now and 2020, the vast majority from workplace exposure. 'Known risk' About 75% of the people who develop mesothelioma die within one year of diagnosis, but it can take between 20 and 40 years to develop after exposure. Mr McFall, from Thompson's Solicitors, told BBC News that those developing lung cancer now were exposed to asbestos in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. And he says the risks associated with the substance were known as early as the 1930s.

5."We blame the companies who were responsible for exposing people to asbestos at a time when those companies knew, or ought to have known, that asbestos could and does cause fatal lung disease," he said.

6. "If the employer still exists and has the assets to meet the claim then we expect those negligent to pay the compensation. Very often the companies don't exist any more, but their insurers will have the means to meet the claims."

Above report has been produced courtesy

Friday 20 April, 2007


1.Most individuals are probably not quite sure what mesothelioma is.

2.Many though, can probably associate the word mesothelioma with an attorney or possible litigation.

3.As I flip through the channels on my television set, I too, notice that mesothelioma is frequently mentioned by law firms.

4.However, the focus of this blog is to educate the public on what mesothelioma is and provide information under one umbrella.


1.Our blog has been featured by

2.The blog has featured a number of blogs in numerous fields and they have written very encouraging words about our research and material on mesothelioma.The review can be read on the site.

3.The review has inspired me with a great vigour in order to help the user desirous of information on Mesothelioma.


1.All family members of the individuals who have been exposed ever to asbestos should be on the look out for the signals which recur years after the exposure has taken place.

2.Immediately even on suspicion the subjected person to asbestos exposure and family members should get their CT scan done to avoid aggravating of disease and to get immediate proper medical attention.

Tuesday 17 April, 2007

Karmanos Researchers Identify Pathway for Treatment of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma

1. The Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute today announced significant scientific findings that could lead to better treatment and therapies for cancer patients suffering from
malignant pleural mesothelioma.

2. Karmanos scientists presented their research at the AmericanAssociation of Cancer Research (AACR) annual meeting in Los Angeles, CA."We are getting closer and closer to making an impact on this insidious disease," said Anil Wali, Ph.D., an associate professor with Karmanos who led a group of cross-collaborative researchers in studying the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic (UPP) pathway regulatory proteins.

3.Their study demonstrated that protein ubiquitination and degradation are critical players in the spread of mesothelioma. After studying 241 genes involved in the UPP pathway, Wali's group determined 33 genes were differentially expressed among epithelioid and biphasic histotypes.

4."We have already reported earlier detection biomarkers that can be utilized in assessing the high risk groups of patients," Dr. Wali said.
"Now, if we can develop a therapy to target this pathway, we will be one step closer to halting this disease."

5.Malignant pleural mesothelioma is an aggressive, asbestos-related thoracic cancer affecting about 3,000 new patients in the United States annually. Despite advances in cancer treatment, the average survival rate remains low and the majority of patients die within two years of diagnosis.Currently there is no cure.

6.The Karmanos Cancer Institute has a long history of mesothelioma education and treatment. In 2004, the Institute joined with Wayne State University's Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine to create the National Center for Vermiculite and Asbestos Related Cancers.It addresses the need for early diagnosis and aggressive treatment for those afflicted with asbestos-related diseases. John C. Ruckdeschel, M.D., president and chief executive officer of KCI, co-directs the center inconjunction with Michael R. Harbut, M.D., M.P.H., F.C.C.P., an expert inthe diagnosis and treatment of environmental and workplace diseases. Dr.Ruckdeschel, an internationally recognized figure in both lung cancer research and treatment, contributed to the research and authorship of today's presentation.This study received funding from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC).Based in midtown Detroit, the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute is committed to a future free of cancer. The Institute is one of 39 National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer centers in the United States. Caring for more than 6,000 new patients annually on a budget of
$216 million, conducting more than 700 cancer-specific scientific investigation programs and clinical trials, the Karmanos Cancer Institute is among the nation's best cancer centers. Through the commitment of 1,000 staff, including nearly 300 faculty members, and supported by thousands of volunteer and financial donors, the Institute strives to prevent, detect and eradicate all forms of cancer. John C. Ruckdeschel, M.D. is the Institute's president and CEO.

SOURCE of this report is courtesy Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute


1.All industrialists are requested to ensure that the items containing asbestos are made with all necessary precautions and if possible alternatives be used.

2.Please be generous to grant compensation to your employee if the individual has suffered mesothelioma.

3.The best alternative for the patient is that as an industrialist offer him compensation on your own without letting individual undergo mental trauma of legal hassles.

4.Please value life and do not allow any other disease to spread because of industry negligence.

Monday 16 April, 2007


1.Through this blog I appeal to all involved in providing relief and compensation for mesothelioma claims to do so at the earliest to ensure that the pain and trauma is minimised for the sufferers suffering for no fault of theirs and thus they deserve all the more patient hearing.

2.Attorneys and Judges are requested to listen to the mesothelioma patients with a patient hearing which will go a long way in improving their mental condition.

Wednesday 11 April, 2007


1.Do not feel dejected by the fact that you are suffering from mesothelioma as good actions undertaken by you during your remaining life time can leave a mark for you in the world.

2.Perform all novel actions and bring happiness in life of those people whom you feel are worse than you.

3.A slight smile on their face can make you forget your all pains.